The Universal Health Coverage at 67th World Health Assembly

The Universal Health Coverage at 67th World Health Assembly

Tuesday 21 May 2014, 18.00-19.30 at Room XVI Palais des Nations The ASEAN Plus Three UHC Network organized the side event at the 67th World Health Assembly, in Geneva on 21 May, 2014 with a title of “Universal health coverage for 2.1 billion people: lessons learned from ASEAN Plus three countries”. The objectives were to share experiences on UHC trajectory and achievements in ASEAN Plus Three countries, and to exchange, share, and learn lessons at the policy and operation levels on UHC agenda setting and its implementation with the delegates from other WHO Member States.
The information on UHC baseline including: population coverage, health expenditure, innovative financing, UHC outputs of the 13 countries in ASEAN Plus Three and a brochure of ASEAN Plus Three UHC Network were distributed to participants of the Side Event as inputs


There were eight panelists from five ASEAN Plus Three countries, two international organizations, and the Chairperson of ASEAN Plus Three UHC network. This event was moderated by His Excellency Mr. Thani Thongphakdi, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva. The panelists were China- Ms. Chen Ningshan (Deputy Director General of Dept. of Law and Legislation, NHFPC); Indonesia- Prof. Dr. dr. Akmal Taher (Director General of Health Care, MOH); Japan- Dr. Mitsuhiro Ushio (Assistant Minister, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare); Malaysia- YB Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam (Health Minister of Malaysia); Viet Nam- Prof. Dr. Le Quang Cuong (Vice Minister of Health); World Bank- Dr. Toomas Palu (Health Sector Manager for the World Bank’s South East Asia and Pacific Region); WHO- Dr Marie-Paule Kieny (WHO Assistant Director-General for Health Systems and Innovation); and Chairperson of ASEAN Plus Three UHC Network- Dr. Winai Sawasdivorn (Secretary General, National Health Security Office (NHSO), Thailand).
The panelists from Viet Nam and Indonesia shared their country experience in working to achieve UHC. Their key challenge was gaining population coverage, especially for vulnerable groups such as the poor and the near poor. Another challenge was how to improve quality and availability of health services with strengthened financing and human resource systems. The panelists from Malaysia, Japan, and China described the remaining challenges for sustaining UHC. Their main challenges include the increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases and an ageing society, which requires effective long-term care. The representatives from WHO and World Bank also highlighted key factors for achieving UHC in the view of international agencies including: political commitment, government responsibility, expenditure management, supply side readiness, and network to exchange experiences.
During the side event, Dr. Margaret Chan, the WHO’s Director-General, dropped in and gave a special note. She mentioned the importance of UHC to people’s health and affirmed that the WHO would support countries in acheving Universal Health Coverage.
The Side Event highlighted that Universal Health Coverage is feasible in ASEAN Plus Three countries and would benefit 1/3 of the world’s population. It was noted that Universal Health Coverage is in fact feasible everywhere.

