CAP UHC Retreat

CAP UHC Retreat

CAP UHC arranged the CAP UHC Retreat meeting on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd March, 2014 at Sampran Riverside Hotel, Nakhon Prathom province which CAP UHC steering committee, researchers and staffs; Dr.Suwit, Dr.Viroj, Dr.Phusit, Dr.Winai, Dr.Anuwat,

Dr. Supasit, Dr.Samrit, Dr,Yot and etc. from CAP UHC partner institutes; IHPP, Ministry of Public Health, HITAP, HA, NHSO, CHEM, IPSR and etc. attended the meeting. The objectives of this meeting were to analyst how partner institutes gained from CAP UHC advocacy and to establish Vision and Mission of CAP UHC.
Dr.Jaded presented CAP UHC SWOT Analysis; Strength: The strength of domestic enterprises make inputs, partners which both in-house and abroad, there are educational and academic publishing regularly, have long time working and strong partners; Weakness: Experts mostly Thai, that may be viewed as context of Thailand while the participants want to know more, media contact such as website is not visible at the global level compared with R4D’s; Opportunities: UHC is high up, development partner supports, networks; Threat: JLN, politics.

Before the meeting, the secretariat team sent short surveys; Expectation from CAP UHC and What CAP UHC should do, to the steering committee. The result showed that most of them need to set the image of CAP UHC, strengthening staffs and institutes capacity, build network of UHC and redesign CAP UHC management. Dr.Anuwat persuaded participants to meditate to think “How CAP UHC will be in the next 10 years?” and let the participants created some building blocks and pick some key word to draft CAP UHC Vision.
The conference was intense and discussed in various issues and got
Vision “A global social and intellectual capital for UHC” and Mission “Mobilize partners’ collaboration to build sustainable capacities on UHC in developing countries”.
Then we had a meeting with small groups as three groups and discussed to find the strategic operation for CAP UHC and clearly defining the roles of the partner. After that, the secretariat team classified and conclude the presentation as;
Three Inter-Linked Strategies:
1. Strengthen Management Systems

  1. Strategic planning and management: Strategic plan and clear work-plan, adequate full time management staff
  2. Governance: Partnership governing structures to include more Thai and international partners in the SC and the secretariat, when ready
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation: (1) Regular monitoring systems on achievement and performance; (2) Periodic internal and external assessment with concrete recommendations
  4. Communications: (1) Within and across partners, with the Steering Committee and to national and international audiences; (2) Regular and proactive with effective communication channels and mechanisms
  5. Resource mobilization for sustainability: (1) Sustainable financial model, e.g. new donors, cost recovery; (2) Mobilize more national and international technical expertise

2. Capacity Building

  1. Individual through different modalities: (1) e.g. workshops in and outside Thailand, targeting responses to demands and requests, study visits, on site supports/advices, internship/fellowships to Thai institutions, demand survey and training needs assessment; (2) Other modalities should be applied when appropriate (e.g. Secondment of Thai experts to developing country institutes or international agencies, convening national (for national capacity development), and regular international conference on UHC either in Thailand or partner countries [also cost recovery from these activities]; (3) When ready move to trial of massive open online course with unlimited participation and open access via the web.
  2. Institutional capacity: identify right partner institute(s) to provide targeted support to ensure long term continued capacity building in the developing countries and also in Thailand; efforts to link with relevant global partners
  3. Networking: (1) Trust among Thai partners: regular meetings, clear commitment and contributions, regular communication; (2) Trust among international partners: ASEAN plus three UHC, new JLN, Japan/WB, WHO, FPGH, etc.
    [2.1,2.2 and 2.3 must be fully linked towards long term sustainable capacity in the countries]
    2.4 Conducive Environment: Advocacy to create policy environment conducive to sustaining UHC capacity and link to policy decision and technical advocacy for health equity improvement e.g. advocate primary health care, prevention and health promotion

3. Knowledge generation, management & sharing

  1. Research & Development: in house or join with other national and global mechanisms
  2. Development of learning materials: Synthesis of best practices, operations experiences, do and don’t, and how to tips.
  3. Database and information warehouse – country UHC systems, updated rosters of resources persons and institutions and their expertise, donors and international actors, modules development of learning resources, tools and guidelines.
  4. Joint educational activities and engage in international conferences
    In addition, CAP UHC need to do demand analysis for the whole value chain, identify priority core service, involve partner in the core-team, regular tracking of progress, effective & active involvement of partners including arrange a secretariat team for operation.
    The three Inter-Linked Strategies and commitments are vital for planning CAP UHC framework and operation. Retreat meeting was an effective and efficient process for learning and building capacity for participants and also build up relationship among them which this will become “network” which is the most important thing for everyone.
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